Monday, August 2, 2010

A work in progress

My Backyard: I call it a work in progress. However pleasant it may be I always seem to look at the work I need to do rather then seeing the progress I have made. However I do believe that this is part of the growing cycle that I need to partake of. I am excited about the upcoming Fall season. Time for planting and rearranging of the plants that have gotten to big for their home, or are not happy in their present location. My ultimate goal is to have a haven for friends and family to enjoy. To plant various herbs, vegetables and fruit to enjoy & share. Last but not least a photo garden that clients can come for a custom portrait session. My mind for design is a garden with pockets of flowers beds that provide a diverse photo opportunities. Eventually I would like to bring in some brick walls, benches and other outdoor structures that would favor a complimentary setting for my clients. This
way I can provide a park setting, with the benefit of privacy. Since I have been blessed with a rather large backyard I do believe this is an obtainable goal.

Till Then


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